How To Use Divi Blog Extras Free Blog Layouts

Note: Basic knowledge of Divi and Divi Builder is required to use the Divi Blog Extras Free layouts.

  1. Download the layout file.
  2. The downloaded file is in a compressed format with a .zip extension. So, extract it to get the layout file.
  3. After extracting the file, create a new blank page using the Divi Builder.
  4. Once created the page, click the Portability () icon to import the layout.
  5. It will open the Export & Import option, choose Import, and then upload the layout file by clicking NO FILE SELECTED.
  6. Once uploaded the file, click Import Divi Builder Layout.
  7. In a few moments, your layout file will be uploaded, and you’d be able to see the content.
  8. In case you don’t see any content, then there’s a possibility that you don’t have a blog post on your site.